Legends of Erin

Legends of Erin
Book Cover

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Writing is a Funny Thing

 Hello everyone! I have another chapter in book three completed today, after many hours of work (whew) It is amazing how long the writing process takes, especially if you haven't written in a few days. I always find that I have to go and re-read over everything I had written the last time, get back into the world I have created, and then start to write. Quite time consuming.

 It is truly amazing, I find, how real my characters have become to me. Each has their own personalities, quarks, little things only they do, and I feel when I am writing them that I am not creating what happens, instead only listening and chronicling what has gone on in these characters lives. Especially when I think one thing is going to happen then when I write I find out that something totally different is actually occurring. Writing is a funny thing.

"It begins with a character, usually, and once he stands up on his feet and begins to move, all I can do is trot along behind him with a paper and pencil trying to keep up long enough to put down what he says and does." ~ William Faulkner ~

Friday, December 2, 2011

Writing Frustration

 So I am currently working on chapter six of book three, and I find I drive myself crazy when I use the same phrases over and over. I don't even intend for it to happen, but there I am typing away, and then I read over what I wrote and I see way too many "furrowed his brow" and "he/she smiled". (slaps forehead)

 I just wish I had a dictionary in my head that I could look over whenever I need a new word because the ones I use I use too much . . . Well, here we go, re-write re-write.

"This is just bad writing." ~ Secret Window, Stephen King - Mort, played by Johnny Depp ~

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December Event

Hello everyone!Wednesday, December 7th at 5:00pm, I will be at the Brea Library doing a children's program on illustrating a novel. I'm going to be dressed up in a fairy costume to get the children's attention, and am going to draw for them and talk to them about writing and illustrating a book. There will be candy and other sweets for the children, Irish games, and at the end of the program, one child (whose name gets drawn) will get to take the picture I draw during the program home.

 It is an open event, so anyone who has a young child they think would like the program, please come! I'd love to see you there!

Quote For Today

"Writing became such a process of discovery that I couldn't wait to get to work in the morning:  I wanted to know what I was going to say. " ~Sharon O'Brien~

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Book Signing in Big Bear

 Hey everyone! I had a book siging in Big Bear this weekend, at the Big Bear Book & Bean, which went very well. Thank you to all who helped me that weekend. Also (crazily) when I was up in the mountians, I went to this wonderful burger place I used to go to when I lived up there called "Get the Burger" (best burgers arround, if you ever find yourself in Big Bear you must try it) and I went in and happened to see the owner. He found out about my book, had me sign one, took my picture, and put me on their wall of fame next to Adam Sander and Mel Blanc!