Legends of Erin

Legends of Erin
Book Cover

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December Event

Hello everyone!Wednesday, December 7th at 5:00pm, I will be at the Brea Library doing a children's program on illustrating a novel. I'm going to be dressed up in a fairy costume to get the children's attention, and am going to draw for them and talk to them about writing and illustrating a book. There will be candy and other sweets for the children, Irish games, and at the end of the program, one child (whose name gets drawn) will get to take the picture I draw during the program home.

 It is an open event, so anyone who has a young child they think would like the program, please come! I'd love to see you there!

Quote For Today

"Writing became such a process of discovery that I couldn't wait to get to work in the morning:  I wanted to know what I was going to say. " ~Sharon O'Brien~

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