Legends of Erin

Legends of Erin
Book Cover

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Library Programs

 Hello everybody!

 Sorry I haven't been posting for a while. The holidays caught up with me, and January has been very eventful.

 Well, I am posting here to let you all know that I have two library programs, going to be held at the Tustin Library, coming here in the beginning months of the new year.

 The first will be a teen program, focused on writing a novel and getting published, the in's and out's of taking your work from on the computer into book form. This will be held on February 8th, at 7pm. If you know or have any teens who like to write, I would love to see them there!

 The second will be a children's program, focused on illustrating a book. Interactive, getting the children's idea's and opinions on the artwork, complete with Irish games and Irish sweets! This will be held on March 14th, at 4pm. If you have any tiny tots you think would enjoy this, please bring them!

 I hope to see you all!

~  Meadow

"Imagination is more important than knowledge..."

~ Albert Einstein ~

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